U.S. caused Croatian ethnic cleansing of Serbs, Georgia war, Russian ’90s econ collapse, etc?

Also the Serb attacks on Albanian Muslims in Kosovo, and is provoking a ‘Polish Missile Crisis’?  According to Noam Chomsky here.  Even that the Georgia war was timed by the Bushies to help McCain show-off his (fake, like his maverick status) foreign policy expertise?

Meanwhile is Chomsky’s premonition of Russian forces in the Caribbean about to come true after all, via Chavez’ Venezuela, also Bushie-provoked?

And why is every little troublemaking country all of a sudden a U.S. “ally,” according to the Bushies and MSM?  The Defense Department informs me that America’s only official allies in all the world are the members of NATO: “The official allies of the United States can be found on the NATO website at http://www.nato.int/structur/index.html.”  No Georgia, no Israel, no Saudi Arabia, no Jordan, no Iraq, no Afghanistan, no Pakistan, no Ukraine, no Colombia, not even Japan or South Korea or Taiwan or Australia or New Zealand or Palau….

And does the Iran/Contra/October Surprise conspiracy/coverup continue at/above the highest levels of our Constitutional, official government, a generation later?!  Do they even explain the Sarah Palin nomination, and even the W. nomination and the Wall Street Mess and who knows what else???  (Two-part series at Counterpunch: Read the article linked from the linked article first, since Part I doesn’t link to Part II, only the other way around.)