Hypocrisy on Sotomayor

One thing Judge Sotomayor’s defenders won’t say is that it’s OK with her critics for a Rich White Conservative Republican Man to bring his life experience and its insights to his job, in fact it’s expected.  But not a Latina Democrat from The Projects, even if Poppy Bush himself (not Papi!) nominated her to the Bench!  That’s because we all know who’s really in charge in this country and who isn’t, “that damned piece of paper” to the contrary notwithstanding!

Thank goodness Minnesota’s Republicans let Senator Sixty — er, Franken! — finally go to Washington, and just in time!

Think the Election went off without serious problems?

Think again.  Brad Blog reports a slew of them, including an Al Franken 12-point exit-poll win reduced to a virtual tie in “results” by suspicious voting machines … a probable 60-seat Democratic-caucus Senate imperiled by suspicious voting machines … a question of whether California’s anti-Gay referendum really passed … a question whether the good people of Alaska really intended to send a convicted felon back to the Senate … and a GOP threat to sue if any results diverge much from exit polls – talk about chutzpah!!!  Also material on Black Box Voting.org.  And I read somewhere an allegation of vote-machine hacking in Virginia.  And another from our Republican Irony Department: Alleged “voter fraud” by Pennsylvania’s fired fascist senator Rick Santorum, formerly a young GOP rising star.

Could I be as Irish as I am and not suspect that the powers behind the power have ‘allowed’ us a President Obama in order to fuel a roaring comeback in 2 or 4 years???  Have they shown as much real concern for the things they claim they’re concerned about, regarding Obama, as about their own power, cynicism, manipulativeness, enrichment (trillion-dollar-bailout, anybody?!), “liberties” (theirs not ours), impunity, corruption, etc.?

Al Franken in trouble?

This doesn’t sound like it should be a big deal, but you know the Repug Smear Machine will make it into one.  But maybe writers can fix it….  After all, he’s still “Me … Al Franken!”


And the horse you rode in on!

He tells 60 Minutes (CNN video package preceded by commercial) America should “Get over it” for him and his four GOP partisan buddies on the Supreme Court illegally giving the 2000 Presidential Election not to Al Gore who won it, but to the real Sore W. Loserman and his cronies/handlers, who have basically flushed the country and the planet down the toilet, just like they planned.

Scalia should be brought up on charges of judicial misconduct for his political and inflammatory comments in and outside the court since joining it in the ’80s; he should even be disbarred.  He treats the highest judicial office in the land and one of the most important in the world like he’s some village traffic court judge, shooting off his mouth, ruling however he wishes with no real regard for the law or the Constitution.  I can even say personally that he is one of the most ingracious, even impolitic, public figures I have ever had the displeasure to encounter – and I’ve known a few doozies!  And he’s the biggest Fascist and Theocrat on the Court, giving Catholic lawyers and judges a bad name.

Finally, now we REALLY have to seat the Florida delegates at the Democratic Convention, and might as well the Michigan ones too for good measure.  Hillary won both, so she’d gain some delegates, but since Obama didn’t run in Michigan, it should either be rerun or else let their non-Hillary delegates vote their consciences – you know 40 pct. Uncommitted was a shadow vote for Barack!

Though why the CNN correspondent says not seating Florida would hurt US in November, when Floridians clearly can expect no justice or consideration from the Repugs that doesn’t go their way, beats the heck out of me.  You know those old Jews ain’t gonna vote for Hitler twice!!!  (How can Al Franken* [from 7 years ago no less] and I be the only people who remember that?!!!)

What this interview does do for me is raise the specter of another high court coup d’etat … if the GOP thieves don’t do their job right at the ballot box, er, computer, of course … and their pollster / Mainstream Media backers forget to fudge the exit polls again.  Scalia hasn’t quite retired yet….

(*–BTW he needs your help!)